Highland Zēīn

Spoken in the foothills of the Čantai mountains, this is possibly the most divergent of the Zēīn languages. Many of the lexemes that are related in the other dialects are completely absent in here, reflecting the Fanai substratum influence extremely prevalent here. Highland has developed a Ergative-Nominative system of great interest.


                        Bilabial alveolar pal-alv velar uvular Glottal

Stop                     b      t  d          č ĵ       k g           ?

Nasal                   m         n                        ŋ

Fricative           f   v     (s)(z)         š ž       x  r[1]          h

Lateral              -           -   l

Approximant   - w




Further Phonetic information:

The palatals of Coastal Zēīn here are palato-alveolar opposititons [tS]:[tSS], [S]:[SS]:


[tS] vs. [tSS]:


očš 'heavy rain'


[S] vs. [SS]:

oiš 'cloud'

oišš 'stormcloud'


Ergative: -bä [vε] (marks transitive sujbect)

Nominative: -tlä [tlε] (marks subject in intransitive sentences, object in transitive)

Absolutive: -Ø (case taken by postpositions; a morpheme –Ø is needed here, because some end-of-word processes do not occur when a noun is in the Absolutive, e.g., tl# >l)

Dative: -γäqχä  [γεqχε] with the (from a spelling pronounciation of the old Objectivedat  

–RA-GhÂ) {note that the /-γä/ is increasingly not pronounced, giving /-qχä/}


Sound changes from Salanjan to Drēīn:

Intervocalic t > / if not part of a consonant cluster or after a nasal

The clusters /gl/, /kl/, /lg/, /lk/  >*/É/ >/w/.

The clusters /gr/, /kr/, /rg/, /rk/, /qr/, /rq/ > */Ò/ > /r/ >/l/.

The clusters /tr/, /dr/, /rt/, /rd/ > /z/.

*r, *l collapse into *l, which affricates to tl.

the diphthong *eu, simplified into , and then unrounded to ē.

SN- clusters (S:s:z:·, N:m:n:ŋ) changed to Proto-Drēīn *-ze). This has the reflex zän in Highland Zēīn.


Salanjan -pt- clusters have changed to –ud- -[Ud]-.The phonemes /q/, /qh/, /G/, and /Gh/ have merged with /k(h)/, /g/; however, /gh/ has become an uvular fricative [χ] which has not merged with [x], and occurs word-initially as /qχ-/ (even with prefixed articles and prepositions (postpositions in speech, prepositions in writing)). The *T:*s merging has here yielded a dental semi-affricate [ts]  where PZ *T/*s occur.

tl- stems assimilate the initial consonant of a postposition, e.g.,

zänēl cil ghottatlēl /tsiq·qχtεtleitl·lεm/ 'out of the mouth'

the article cil- assimmilates to most consonants, ciC1-C1, and dissappears before vowels.

In spoken dialects of Highland Zēīn, the pronouns have lost their nominal/postpositional endings and basically now serve as person inflections: Written Standard /ktlε·vε tsiù·wtatleil iùkul vej·γεqχε/

 I spoke to you concerning someone. vs. Garon ko.cīwÛtatlεl.βē.īk [reversing the order of DO and IDO as –βē- amd -īk]






Kotlaba       sil wottatlel   (kul iku)    vera.

/kotlä·bä                       cīl         wottatlēl                       (kul   iku)                    ghä vē·γä /

[ktlε·vε                       tsiù·wtatleil                               iùkul                            vej·γεqχε]

<I(Erg)             in the past-speak(tr.)                 (someone (gen.abl))  you (dat)>

I spoke to you concerning someone.

(Sp. hablé de alguién te)

Sel  hotla'aba  sitla    hotla'el  semel  sil gôttalel

/cel       hotla?a·lä              citla              hotla?ēl    zänēl       cil         ghottatlēl/

[tsehùtlε?ε·tlε                           tsitltlε?el                           tsiq·qχtεtleitl·lεm]

<the-falcon(Nom.)                    in the past-fly(intr.)                    the-mouth(abs)-out of>

The falcon flew out of the mouth.

¤alakantun sil Fontalalla

ĵäläkäntun         cil         fontälällä

[dZεtlεxεntUm          tsif·fntεtlεtlε]

<horde(pl.)       in the past-come


zanel      laskalra


East-out of

sil  lottalakalauel sel   Ulaþþamun.

[tsil·ltεtlεxεtlεuel                      tsiutlεTTεmUm]

past-name/call              the-Udraþ-themselves.>

The hordes who came out of the East called themselves Udraþ.



38 words.

nsal-move /getl-nsal/

äzänn8- heaven

tlēīn-the inhabitants of the Rheghil plain, descendents of the Salanjans



fontäl-go, go into /getl-fontal/


ghä-dative postposition /qχä/

hotlä/ä- falcon

hotlä/el-fly /getl-hotla/el/

iku- something/someone,



kol, (pl.) kotlä, -Pron., I, we

kul-postp. genitive/ablative


kitläxä-a boar-like creature which has a speckled body

lai-above (adv.)



netlāŋ, -a-leg(s)







samu-reflexive suff.

cil - ‘the’

cīl-adv., in the past (forms past tense in  the Drēīn tounge)

tel, (pl.) -Pron., thou, you (also reflexive)


wottatlel-speak /gew#otatlel/

wottawatlauel-name /gew#otawatlauel/

wottatlū, -n-mouth


zänel-prep. ‘from, out of’ (Salanjan semel went to PH *z«)el, which regularly changed to zänel)

[1] The orthography used by Highland Zēīn writes R for [γ], because the Coastal phoneme /{/ is the closest sound to Highland /γ/.