
The Kerinid language is one of the major languages of Šaol. Its descendants, the Alasol languages, are some of the most widely spoken Samerian languages, with few that surpass them. Kerinidoi itself is a highly archaic (outside of nominal morphology) language that has helped greatly to reconstruct the Proto-Samerian language. Kerinidoi is also the official language of the Kerinid Empire, one of the most powerful states on Šaol.




Developments of vowels and diphthongs from Proto-Drydo-Kerinidoi to Kerinidoi:






i, palatalized previous cons.

*lianū-  'a small, yellow bird'

ĺīanūos 'the same'



*tjū- 'to eat'

čūre 'to eat'

*e /ε/, *e1 /æ/


*re1g- 'to rule'

regēre 'to rule'

*e2 /å /, *o


*-os- 'augmentive'

-ōz- 'augmentive'



*pamos 'stream, that which used for navigation' 

pamos 'street'



*ais- 'to go'

aizōre 'to go'


*eu >*øy > u

*euti 'if'

uči 'if, that'



*sein- '-self'

zein- '-self'


*eu >*øu > u








au (this irregularity shows that the vowel sequence *e2u was a diphthong, not 2 separate vowels)









*-aun- '-ize'

-onn- '-ize'

*ui, *iu













Bilabial DentalAlveolar  Palatal[1] Velar

Plosive             p   b       - -      t d              č  ì       k     g

Spirant             f   v        þ ð     s z               š  ž       h[x] γ

Nasal[2]              m,mm     - -      n, nn           ń, ńń    ŋ, ŋŋ

Liquid                             - -      l                 ĺ

Approximant                  - -      r                  j

The phonemes /f/ and  /v/ are pronounced as [¸] and [β].


The nasal length distinction, of unknown origin, is supported by the following  minimal pairs:

m: mm

pamos 'street'

pammos 'circular formation'

n:  nn

sejanos 'food'

sejannos '(the act of) eating'

ń:  ńń

beińaos 'female goat'

beińńaos 'female (in general)'

ŋ:  ŋŋ

ŋauŋ- 'good/well'

ŋauŋŋ-(os) 'condor'



                        Sg.                   Du.                   Pl.

                        (An./Neut.)       (An./Neut.)       (An./Neut.)

Nominative     -os/-on             -īō-nēs/-na      -nēs/-na

Vocative          -ik/--                --                      --

Genitive          -ōm                  -īōsun              -ōsun

Dative                                  -īōfī                 -fī

Ablative          -ūd                   -yd (<*ī-ud)     -fī

Accusative      -orom/-on        -īōru                -oru

Locative          -ēn                   -īōēn                -ēn

Allative           -ĺe/-lu              -īōĺe/-īōlu        -vasĺe/-vaslu   

Partitive          -ta/-tan            -īōta/-īōtan     -vasta/-vastan

Inessive           -ša/-šan           -īōša/-īōšan     -vaša/-vašan

Adessive          -la/-lan            -īōla/-īōlan     -vasla/-vaslan

Instrumental                        -īōnī                -nī


The stem vowel system (which mostly developed into a gender system), evident in Proto-Drydo-Udraþ, Salor, and Arēsæd8 (where the stem vowel and case ending are still seperable), in Kerinidoi has given way to the Animate-Neuter distinction.


1st person

            S                      P

Nominative       mŏs                  nŏēs

Vocative           moik               

Genitive            mōōm              nēosun

Dative              mou                 nēfī

Ablative            moud               nēfī

Accusative        mōrom             nēoru

Locative           moēn               nēēn

Allative moĺe                nēvasĺe

Partitive            mota                nēvasta

Inessive            moša                nēvaša

Adessive          mola                nēvasla

Instrumental      moī                  nēnī


2nd Person

                        S                      P

Nominative       taos                 kaēs

Vocative           taik                  ka

Genitive            taōm                kaōsun

Dative              taū                   kafī

Ablative            taūd                 kafī

Accusative        taorom                        kaoru

Locative           taēn                 kaēn

Allative taĺe                  kavasĺe           

Partitive            tata                  kavasta

Inessive            taša                 kavaša

Adessive          tala                  kavasla

Instrumental      tai                    kanī


3rd Person

                        S                      P

Nominative     sōs                   sonēs

Vocative          soik                 --

Genitive          sōm                  sōsun

Dative             soū                  sofī

Ablative          soūd                sofī

Accusative      sōrom              sōru

Locative          sēn                   soēn

Allative           soĺe                  sovasĺe

Partitive          sota                 sovasta

Inessive           soša                 sovaša

Adessive          sola                 sovasla

Instrumental                       sonī



            proximate: (definite Article)

S                      P

Nominative     þam[3]/þāt[4]        þanēs/þana

Genitive          þōm                 þōsun

Dative             þū                    þofī

Ablative          þūd                  þofī

Accusative      þōrom/þāt       þēm/þana

Locative          þēn                  þaēn

Allative           þoĺe/-lu           þvasĺe/-vaslu  

Partitive          þata/-tan         þvasta/-vastan

Inessive           þaša/-šan         þvaša/-vašan

Adessive          þala/-lan         þvasla/-vaslan

Instrumental  þī                     þanī



S                      P

Nominative     jŏs/jŏn             jŏnēs/jŏna

Genitive          jōm                  jōsun

Dative                                  jŏfī

Ablative          jūd                   jŏfī

Accusative      jōrom/jŏn        jŏru

Locative          jēn                   jŏēn

Allative           jŏĺe/jŏlu           -vasĺe/-vaslu   

Partitive          jŏta/jŏtan        jŏvasta/jŏvastan

Inessive           jŏša/jŏšan        jŏvaša/jŏvašan

Adessive          jŏla/jŏlan        jŏvasla/jŏvaslan

Instrumental  jŏī                    jŏnī


Verbal Inflection

The verbal system of Kerinidoi is a very complex system, with many phonetic reductions, assimilations, many levelings; however, it is a fairly simple system to comprehend in light of its history.

Present system:




Preterit System:




Present tense inflections:            */-m/ nasalises; */-n/, */-ń/ do not.

Sg.       Du.       Pl.


1st        -        -j       -Âĕv (<*Vmĕw<*Vmel ))

2nd        -Ás      -jÁs     -Áts

3rd an.    -Át       -jút       -Ánti

     neut    -on

Imperfect tense inflections: (*-nvÛ(m)-)

Sg.       Pl.


1st        -nÂke  -nVVĕke

2nd        -nÁs     Vs (<*-njVs, the dual form)

3rd an.    -nÁt     -nÁnti

     neut    -nón


Simple Future tense inflections: (Kerinidoi lost the *-e2g)w  as the future augment, the forms are borrowed from Šaol Italic)

Sg.       Du.       Pl.


1st        -īb     -ībj    -ībÂĕv

2nd        -ībÁs    -ībjÁs   -ībÁts              

3rd an.    -ībÁt    -ībjÁt   -ībÁnti

     neut    -ībÁton



Preterit tense inflections: the stem is reduplicated, and the vowel is raised one heighth in PDK; the phonological changes between said and Kerinidoi taking place, thus arriving at the Preterit stem. The Preterit stem is included with all verbs.

Sg.             Pl.


1st                -ĩĕv

2nd        -īs      -īč«s (<*ītj(>/č/)s)

3rd an.    -it         -īuntī    

     neut    -on

(Note: some verbs take a Preterit augment in -s-, a loan from the Šaol Italics, ultimately from the Indo-European Aorist formant in *s:

Sg        Pl

1st        -sĩ        -sĩŏv

2nd        -īs        -sītis (from the Italic Perfect conjugation)

3rdan.       -it         -sīunti

    neut.  -on

Pluperfect tense inflections, added to the Preterit stem: (this tense is very rarely used in

spoken Kerinidoi, generally being replaced by as + the Preterit.)

Sg.             Pl.


1st        -īsõ    -ĩĕvÁs

2nd        -īsos   -īč«sĭs

3rd an.    -īsot    -īuntīs   

     neut    -īsot

Future Perfect Indicative: (This tense, present in the earliest Kerinidoi texts, has been lost by virtue of the fact that it was one of the most unwieldy forms to be produced; it was formed by attaching the Simple Future endings on to the Pluperfect endings. It has been replaced by as + the Simple Future.)


mood derivitation:

1.      -čēn-: causative

prefixes the stem before the present/preterit root. Suspiciously similar to the Salanjan causative in –č-.

2.      -kū: imperative

The imperative is attached to the verb stem, and serves as a person inflection. In the Alasol Languages, this has mostly become another infix.

3.      -čēŏ-: volitional

This and the following entry indicate whether or not a person intended to cause an action; they are, in origin, a causative affix (nasal lost) with a further morph *-ŏ(n) accrued to the stem.

4.      -čēŏn-: nonvolitional

5.      -džin-: intransitive affix (very wide spread in the Alasol languages)

6.      -fu-: conditional (originally an adverb, now a stem infix). Indicates that the action's happeing is dependent uipon some other factor, which is put in the Partitive; if it is a verb, the verbal noun appropriate to the tense (in the Partitive) with the subject of that participle in the Partitive.


1.      ena-os/-on: Present Participle

2.      tŏr-os/-on: Preterit Participle

3.      –ībena-os/-on: Future Participle


Irregular verbs

ezzērē 'to be'


            S          P

1          ez-ũ      ez-omev

2          ez-       ez-ets

3          es-t      e-nti


            S          P

1          esun     ezomev

2          ezn       ezents

3          ez-n-t   e-nnti

            Future (in Šaol Italic, the sequence *zs goes to /r/ [for a parralel, see Lat. *dt >s])

            S          P

1          erũ       eromev

2          er         erets

3          ert        erti


S            P

1          vuvēvĩ     vuvēvev

2          vuvēvīs vuvēvets

3          vuvēvit    vuvēnti

Pluperfect: as + Preterit




Noun, Adjective, and Verbal augments:

-annos '-like'

-ens-os '-ate'

-ernos '-ness'

-isk-os:agentive suffix

-igureos: agentive suffix

-nos:agentive suffix


-ri-:abstraction affix

-wuke '-willed'




ezaizōvit                      dinēn               uči   as                                    tītēnōvīuntī       

<go(Pret.3rd sg. an.)      cloud(Loc.)      that  (perfective marker) hold (Pret.3rd pl.)

uγetoros             þam                    urkarōm           usaōm,           oikik.

crown (Nom sg.) the( ( emph. part.>

He walked at the clouds that held the eagle's father's crown, he did.





Two of the greatest influences on Kerinidoi are the Hill languages, and the Šaol Italics.

These Indo-Europeans somehow came to Šaol (probably with the Áválon Kelts), and joined with the Proto-Kerinids, fusing the two languages. The Kerian language shows much more Italic influence. The far-reaching similarities between the Samerian family and the Indo-European family have contributed to this mixing, and it has created much confusion for the comparativists working on the Kerinid languages. Stress placement is on the last non inflectional syllable; for Preterit stems, the –Vv- is stressed. 86 words.

adēre 'to fight' (Pret. edadēv-)

ade-nos  'fighter'

agn=orē 'to lead a tribe' (Pret. egagnáv-)


agn=isk=orē 'to be a chief' (aegn- + -isk- [agentive]+-ore) (Pret. egagniskáv-)

aeveorē 'to desire' (Pret. evaevév-)

af(u)retoros 'spear' {from Hill af-rei-tura 'inanimate prefix' + /kill/ + 'person'}

aifeos 'staff (of wood)'

aizōre 'to go; when with Locative of direction, 'walk'' (Pret. ezaizōv-)

akolon 'wealthy'

alasolos- the Alasol river, which is the basis of the Kerinind Empire

ana 'to travel (postposition)' (+ the All.)

aŋejaos 'sound'

arēzĕ- 'non-Hill' (< PDK *areīse1-, 'master')

as 'perfective marker'

beińaos 'female goat'

beińńaos 'female (in general)'

bōn- 'good, well' {Šaol Italic}(?<Proto-Italic *dvenos? [see Šaol Italic file, *bōn-])

čīgūre 'to kill' (Pret. čīčīgūv-) (PDK *čīgou-)

čūre 'to eat' (Pret. čūčūv-)

desk- 'wise'

dīnos 'cloud' (singular only) {from Salanjan ‘cloud’, pl. dīn}



edinna- 'free'

egl-eγos 'warrior'

enaon 'tower'

ena=dīnōm-on 'stronghold' (‘tower of the clouds’)

eŋaon- 'battle'

ens 'so'

esa-nos- 'defender' (esa- defending + -nos -er)


ēzzēre 'to be'{PIE *es-, *bhū-, 'to be'}(irregular; see conjugation for forms)(Pret. vuvēv-)

fambenos 'twin'

farovilon 'stranger'

fauma=men 'bear-er'


hābēre 'to have' {Šaol Italic} (Pret. hēhēbēv-)

hopi-annos-falcon-like (usually treated as if it were *hopianos in the Alasol languages)

ifasaos-'famous' (from *ifasai-s)

ijoes- 'young' CK [iùjεs], Alasolic pronounciation [iεs], Gari /js«/, Xer /wiU/ET/


iseńe=igurēos 'counselor' (advice-giver; iseńe advice + -igurēos agentive suffix)

itońik- 'fortunate'

kaŋhirros 'farmer'

keios- 'wind'

kej=annos-'swift' (‘wind-like’) (has only animate forms)

kwerē 'flower' (Pret. kwekev-)

kwin=ore- 'mighty'

lujus=erno-  'bright-ness'

lustos '(a) god' (stem lusti-)

lusti-tor-'divine' (cf. ‘*godded’, being like a god)

ĺīanūos 'a small, yellow bird'


mātērē 'to give birth to, to mother' (+ Dat.) {PIE *māter 'mother'} (Pret. mēmātēv-)


ŋauŋ- 'good/well' (very rare in Classical Kerinidoi, but widespread in Alasol)

ŋauŋŋos 'condor'

ŋeipratura-'dweller' {from Hill ŋeipra-tura 'earth-person'}


ŋum=annos 'bear-like' (ŋum- 'bear' + -annos similaritive affix)


oik- 'strong' (used in the vocative, is an emphatic particle)

oik=wuke- 'strong-willed'

ondērē  'to be on earth' (Pret.unondēv- ) (changes to a Proto-Alasol *nidie-)

ońifure 'love' (Pret. uńońifuv-)

ońifu=ri=ens-'compassion-ate' (ońif- love + -ri- abstraction suffix +-ens- -ate; -u- is a             intercalcerary vowel, due to a taboo on *-fr-)

orgetoros ‘arrow’

pamos 'street'

pammos 'circular formation'


regēre 'to rule' (Pret. reregev-)

reuskatura-strong (from Hill reu-skatura 'stature' + 'great' (<*ska 'king'+ tura

'man/person');   the Hill value height as much as gold)

sampire 'bless' (Pret. sasampiv-)

sarkel 'luckily'

sire- 'beloved'

sejanos 'food'

sejannos '(the act of) eating'

sonsenos 'forest'

tēnōre 'to hold' (Pret. tītēnōv-) (cognate to Latin tenērē, to have/hold)

učī 'if, that'[5]



urkaros 'father'

víd-isk-ēre 'to protect' (vid- defend + -isk- agentive ('that which defends') + -ēre) (Pret.


vidńos 'protector'

vikaukiań- 'brave; as animate, brave man'

vof-isk-ēre to be gated' (vof- defend + -isk- agentive + -ēre) (Pret. vuvofiskēv-)

zein- '-self' (reflexive affix attached to personal pronouns)


[1] The phonemes /č/ /ì/ /š/  /ž/ are Palato-Alveolar, the remainder Palatal.

[2] Note:: all nasals are voiced in the same manner as are vowels: non-assimillatory with respect to voicing value.

[3] the a in þam was pronounced [æ], which mostle went to [e] in the Alasol languages.

[4] The þāt in the Nominative and Accusative is an irregularity, whose origin is not known.

[5] učī  'that' usually takes the Preterit, because that tense is descended from the Proto-Kerinidoi Optative Preterit.