
Notes:: an = indicates a compound boundary

            a – signifies a stem vowel separate form the root and the case ending


     i ĭ y ў                                       *u *ŭ


                        *« *«r

*ē *e                                *o 


                        *æ *æ˘
















p b

-  -

ŧ1  đ1

t  d

tj2  dj2

k  g

q  -




-3  β

f  v

þ1  ð1

s4  z4


x  Ä

-  -

h -



-  -

-  -

- l

- l



- -

- -

- -

- -

- r




m m

-  -

- n

- n

- -

- ŋ





-  -






Note #1:

*ŧ > *þ

*đ > *ð

 These changes initally occurred only intervocalicaly, but later all dental plosives spirantised.


Note #2:

*tj > *c

*dj > *ï

 These sounds originally represented palatalised alveolar plosives, which, after going through affricates *č *ĵ, acquired the force of full palatals. In Drydic the palatals became fronted velar stops, which have various actual pronounciations in the Drydic dialects.


Note #3:

The voiceless bilabial fricative [¸] has been acquired by Drydic, Udraþ, Lan, and Eastern Drydic by assimmilation from both *f and .


Note #4:

*sj > *š

*zj > *ž

The Alveolars s & z were palatalised before a front glide *j.

There also existed a rhotacised sound *zR, which turned into a fricative trill , which in turn became a trill *r (in some dialects), except in Eastern Drydic and Highland Udraþ, where the fricative trill derhotacised to a spirant z.


*V1V2 > **V2, unless *VVÛ.

e.g., *ĉīÛgåo- > Drydic čīÛgŏan,  die.

::Nominal Declensions::


                                    sg         pl

Nom.                           -a-s      -a-j

Gen.                            -oi        -a-lu

Dat.-Loc.                     -a-ī       -æ˘-n«s

Acc.                             -un*     -ō-s (by analogy with the 2nd declension)


            *The *-un is somewhat problematic, as Salor shows a -m in the Accuasative singular of a-stems; consulting Arēsæd just begs the issue, as its Accusative singular is –(z)εn, but there final *m and *n collapsed into –n.




                                    sg         pl

Nom.                           -o-s      -a-Z (a fully consonantal version of j, later changing to z)

Gen.                            -æ˘k     -o-lu

Dat.-Loc.                     -a-ī       -æ˘-n«s

Acc.                             -e-m     -ō-s


u.o-stems (a mixture of o-stems and ū-stems; this mixture is equivilent to the -au- stems of Salor)

                                    sg             pl

Nom.                           -uo-s      -ijazR

Gen.                            -æ˘k       ū-lu

Dat.-Loc.                     -a-ī         -æ˘-n«s

Acc.                             -uo-e-m -ijazR



                                    sg         pl

Nom.                           -s         -īj1

Gen.                            -i-o       -i-lu

Dat.-Loc.                     -a-ī       -æ˘-n«s

Acc.                             -i-m      -īj1


                                    sg         pl

Nom.                           -s         -ēj[1]

Gen.                            -e-o      -e-lu

Dat.-Loc.                     -a-ī       -æ˘-n«s

Acc.                             -i-m      -ēj1



                                    sg         pl

Nom.                           -ns       -eins

Gen.                            -on       -en-lu

Dat.-Loc.                     -a-ī       -æ˘-n«s

Acc.                             -en       -ein



                                    sg         pl

Nom.                           -m        -em-s

Gen.                            -om      -em-lu

Dat.-Loc.                     -a-ī       -æ˘-n«s

Acc.                             -mem   -em



                                    sg         pl

Nom.                           -r/zR     -zRēzR

Gen.                            -or/zR   -ir/zRu

Dat.-Loc.                     -a-ī       -æ˘-n«s

Acc.                             -æ˘r/zR -r/zRē



                                    sg         pl

Nom.                           -s         -īl-s

Gen.                            -iol       -el-lu

Dat.-Loc.                     -a-ī       -æ˘-n«s

Acc.                             -i-l        -īl



                                    sg         pl

Nom.                           -u-s      -ū-s

Gen.                            -ūo       -ū-lu

Dat.-Loc.                     -a-ī       -u-n«s

Acc.                             -o-m     -ū-s




Declension 1

                                                Sg                                            Pl

                                    f           m         n                      f           m         n

Nominative                   -as       -os       -uos                 -ai        -aZ       -ijazR

Genitive                        -oi        -æ˘k     -                       -alū      -olū      -

Dative-Locative            -ai        -           -                       -æ˘-n«s-            -

Accusative                    -un       -æ˘m    -uom                -ōs       -ōs       -ijazR


Declension 2

                                                Sg                                            Pl

                                    f           m         n                      f           m         n

Nomimative                  -s         -           -en                   -aj        -ūs       -ijāzR

Genitive                        -iol       -           -                       -lū        -           -

Dative                          -ai        -           -                      - æ˘-n«s-            -

Accusative                    -un       -ēm      -uom                -ōs       -ōs       -ijāzR



-īnna- plus the following endings:

                                                Sg                                            Pl

                                    f           m         n                      f           m         n

Nomimative                  -s         -           -en                   -aj        -ūs       -ijāzR

Genitive[2]                       -io/-eo  -           -                       -lū        -           -

Dative                          -ai        -           -                       -æ˘-n«s-            -

Accusative                    -un       -ēm      -uom                -ōs       -ōs       -ijāzR



-irræ˘l- plus the following endings:

                                                Sg                                            Pl

                                    f           m         n                      f           m         n

Nominative                   -as       -os       -uos                 -ai        -aZ       -ijazR

Genitive                        -oi        -æ˘k     -                       -alū      -olū      -

Dative-Locative            -ai        -           -                       -æ˘-n«s-            -

Accusative                    -un       -æ˘m    -uom                -ōs       -ēs        -ijazR




1st Person

                                    Sg.  (*mō-)                  Pl. (*nō-)

Nominative                   ūla                               nō-s

Genitive                        mon                             nō-lu

Ablative                        mål                              nō-ål

Dative                                                         nō-ū/nō-nus (the later Locative form)

Accusative                    ūlēm                            nō-ēs

2nd Person

                                    Sg. (*sō-)                     Pl. (*kō-)

Nominative                   sa                                 kō-s

Genitive                        son                               kō-lu

Ablative                        sål                                kō-ål

Dative                          sū                                 kō-ū/kō-nus (the later Locative form)

Accusative                    sū-lēm                          kō-ēs


3rd Person (stem *tō~ā-)

                                    Sg.                                                       Pl.

                                    f           m         n                      f           m         n

Nominative                   ta         tæ˘       to                     tai        tuī        tuzRa

Genitive                        toi        tai        -                       tālu      tōlu      -

Ablative                        tō-ål     -           -                       tō-ål/ tō-ūzRos

Dative                          tō-ū     -           -                       [3]-æ˘ns-          -

Accusative                    tun       tēm      to                     tō-ēs    -           tuzRa


Verbal conjugation

Levels of evidentiality:

            1. -- seen by the speaker

            2. -æ˘l- seen by someone else

            3. -- not seen, but probable (in opposition with the optative mood, which it cannot occur with.)


            1. -e- indicative

            2. -ā- subjunctive

            3. -i- optative (in opposition with the 3rd level of evidentiality, which it cannot occur with.)


            1. -ek- Future Simple (Drydic Future Imperfective)

            2. -ekelī- Future Perfect (note: the construction of as + the Future is also very common in Udraþ, Eastern Drydic, Highland Udraþ, and even Lan, but not Western Drydic)

            3. -b(e/a/i)- Imperfect, Imperfective Past Simple

            4. -elī- Present Perfect (Perfective); Drydic Perfect (Preterit)

            5. -elīb(e/a/i)- Pluperfect (note: the construction of as + the Aorist or the Present Perfect is also very common in Udraþ, Eastern Drydic, Highland Udraþ, and even Lan, but not Western Drydic)

            6. elas- Aorist (also formed with reduplication, with vowel height raised one step); only surviving as an Aorist in Udraþ, Eastern Drydic, and Highland Udraþ; merged with Pluperfect in Western Drydic, and took over the functions of the Pluperfect in Lan.)

            from the Aor. affix in *–el- plus the temporal conjunction *as.



            Tense/Aspect system

                        Present            Past                Future

Imperfective    Present             Imperfect         Future

Aoristic           (none)              Aorist              Future

Perfective        Present Perfect Pluperfect         Future Perfect

            Narrative system:



            |           |           |

            Plu.      Perf.     Imperf.             Pres     Future  Future Perfect

            |           |          |                      |           |           |


Personal Endings:






















































If you will notice, the Middle endings are, for the most part, derived from the Active by the addition of –ai; the <ª> stands for a vowel that elides when there is a vowel in the next syllable; the exceptions to the derivitation of the Middle are *-Vmēn and *-VmkwuzRai, of which the former is completely different, and the latter is derived from the Passive by the addition of –ai.



1st           -Vi

2nd          -Vo

3rd           -Vm

The above endings are used by Drydic as the only Active singular forms. They occur in Lan as the intransitive singular endings, along with another set for dual and plural.




Active: -?(the Dative case provides the active infinitive; Drydic and Lan take the Plural –Vn(s), Udraþ, Eastern Drydic and Highland Udraþ take the singular -ai)

                        Middle: -ein (Drydic and Lan do not have a middle, so this is sooner a

Proto-Udraþ form)

                        Passive: -ēm, -Vm (for the Drydic –am, -em)


                        Active: elas-/stem/-?

                        Middle: elas-/stem/-ein

                        Passive: elas-/stem/-ēm, -Vm[4]


                        Active: -əlī


                        Passive:-elī-ēm, -Vm


                        Active: -ek-?

                        Middle: -ek-ein

                        Passive: -ek-ēm, -Vm

            The Future Perfect infinitive is formed with the Future Infinitive plus the adverb


            The Imperfect Infinitive, which is conciously avoided if possible, is constructed

with as + the present infinitive; it is avoided most of the time because of its

extreme ambiguity with the Present Infinitive.


            Present: /stem/ + -as, -os, -uos.

            (Plu)Perfect: /perf. stem/ + -þezRas, -þezRoš, -þezRuos.

            Aorist: /aor. stem/ + -(e)lis, -(e)lis, -(e)len (3rd [i-stem] decl.)

Verbal affixes:

            1.keī- negating prefix; in Drydic written <kē-> [ke]; Udraþ <keī-> [ke]




*aadĕk-aj: the Aadeks

*ais-: to go

*agein-o-s: lamb

*alt-os-a-s: 'stream-augm.', river

*beh{æ(~ē}ker-:love/life; is a noun-verb stem

*ber-a-s, -o-s, -uo-s:white

*burzRiđ- to cut

*de-gălăst-: attack (give fighting)

*dēŭĭd-i-z=dom-a-s: temple

*dēŭĭd-z: god

*dŏtj-:to be

*-ga/-ssē instrumental postpositions, interchangable.

*gazRik-:to sleep

|*kreŭÛhor-r/zR: raw flesh (alternate declension; went to r-stems in S(W)D and SU; many dialects have o-stems)

|*kreŭÛh- : eat messily

|*kruhí- : gorge                                    All of these roots point to an old root *kreŭh-

|*kruhíβ-a-s, -o-s, -uo-s : bloody

|*kruhīastor-r/zR: Megalania

*pām-o-s: stream; that which is used for navigation

*-Vd: singular Ablative postposition for nouns

*-ūzRos: plural Ablative postposition for nouns

*tsjīgåo- kill(tr.)

*xep- home, patria

*ap at/near (Loc. postp., used in place from constructions)

*ŋŏi- round

*đrū- big

*đūr- large

*kīs- small

*βĕr- blue

*latj- green

*vai-(adv) therefore

*wē-through (postp. + Loc.)



*dur, …- after all, …; for …

*duran·a-s, -o-s, -uo-s-large

*ĵyç-a-s, -o-s, -uo-s-young

*ĵáva- when

*ĵávax- whenever

*ĵvẽ, ĵvẽk, f,- what?

*ĵvēx, ĵvēkex, f,- whatever

*ĵvĩ-where? (Locative used as an adverb)


*ĵvõdda-how? (Ablative-Instrumental case structure used as an adverb)


*ĵvũ- how much? (pronominal Dative used as an adverb)

*ĵvũx- however much?

*ĵvõgá- why? (pronominal Instrumental used as an adverb)

*ĵvõgáx- whyever?

*ēbom--drip, flow out (when drip, it is a verb, when flow out, it is a adposition with the locative of movement)

*-ĕn- postp. in, on with acc.

*-ēn-postp. into with dat.

*erm-a-s, erm-o-s, erm-uo-s-fierce, furious, mad

*es-- eat

*ēvase-- echo

*faĵv·a-s, -o-s, -uo-s- any, anyone

*faĵáva- anytime

*faĵvē, faĵvēk, f,- anything

*faĵvĩ-anywhere? (Locative used as an adverb)

*faĵvõdda-by any means (Ablative-Instrumental case structure used as an adverb)

*faĵvõgá- any reason? (pronominal Instrumental used as an adverb)

*faralt-uo-s, -æ(k, m.-trading post

*far--to live (at/on/in a place)

*fessalest-a-s, -oi, f.-nature

*fŏra--to cover (item being covered is in the Ablative with the postposition ïa; item covering is in the Locative)

*geŋik-a-s, -oi, f.-unit; kešaror geŋikas, lit. 'the hand's unit',  story, plans

*geriana--buy (w/ Dat.) {Present Participle Genitive in -eo}

*gatsjal--to take

*īkul!-(in1terj) you are going to die, BITCH!!!

*īkur!-(interj) you little SHIT!!!

*ĭfel-a-s, -oi, m.-friend(ly)

*hwalan-a-s, -oi, f.-the animal that the Wargs prey on the most often

*kata-to get, manage (as  barely get), with šan čan, 'to manage to get' (takes an -ī- for the optative)

*kẽr-a-s, -oi, f.- nothing


*kergá-no reason


*ketgá-some reason

*kłail--to do; to manage (as in sense of 'to do') [slightly different meaning that akun-]

*koi-if (can take the Conditional or the [regular] Optative [with which it notes a result clause; this is the sole item that consistantly distinguishes the conditional Optative from the normal Optative]).

*kr·a-s, -o-s, -uo-s- no one


*krōdda!-no way!


*k9aïni--to smell

*jan-lately, … (used also as an adverb of degree of happening, where it indicates 'barely')

*xeĵv·a-s, -o-s, -uo-s- everyone

*xeĵvẽ, xeĵvẽk f.- everything

*lakuer-o-s, -æ(k, m.-lake, pool

*l- he himself


*-nā (clitic)-coupola; PDU only, no trace in Kerinidoi, Salor, or Arēsæd8.

*ŋŏi-a-s, -o-s, -uo-s- round

*-os--full of, augmented

*okul(-en)-a-s, -oi, f.-girl

*orála-at that time, then

*orára- at this time, now


*orelōdda-(in) that way (Ablative-Instrumental case structure used as adverb)

*orelogá-by that way

*orelū-that much

*orẽ·r-this thing?



*orogá- by this reason

*orū-this much

*oÄ-a-s, f.- land; oγ-a-s pam-æ(k, valley


*pam-o-s, -æ(k, m.-river {from PDK *pam-o-s}

*raian-a-s, -oi, f.- cry (arag-ō-lu raian-a-s, the howl of the wolves)

*rēb-to have ____ done (the action is in the Gerund)

*rēk-a-s, -o-s, -u-o-s-little

*samer-a-s, f.-Sameria, homeland of the Aadek


*sõn- (adv) so that (+ subj.); in order to (+opt.)

*sor--leave; with the causative, capture {Present Participle Genitive in -eo}

*sjor-r, f.-passage

*sjai-then (adv.); like (+adj., suffixes to adective)

*sjan-how; sjan sjan, reduplicates the meaning of the following verb

*seuŋ-o-s, -æ(k, m.-a feudal march (as in a march of land); same as German mark

*sjoun-zR, n.-business deal

*tō~ā- he~she~it~they

*teran-uo-s, -æ(k, n.-care (as in cares of the world)

*kt·a-s, -o-s, -uo-s- some


*ktōdda-somehow (Ablative-Instrumental case structure used as adverb)

*tsjeigu- die

*tsjor-r, n.-wood; also verbal stem

i 1 This form is pure conjecture, as the i-stem Nominative/Accusative plural used in Drydic, Udraþ, Lan, and Standard Eastern Drydic is the ū-stem plural (with a few 'irregulars' in -īj): however, they are based on good data, as the Highland Udraþ dialects, in a rare departure from Standard Eastern Drydic forms, have all plural Nominatives and Accusatives (except the r-stems) in –Vj, with the stem vowel in the Nominative, and -æj in the Accusative. These forms are also present, to some degree, in nonstandard northwestern varieties of E

astern Drydic, chiefly those that share the lack of a /b/~/β/, /d/~/z/, and /g/~/γ/ di


[3] the Genitive forms for the Superaltive are, F: -io/-eo; M: -ijæ˘k/-io
